Royal New Zealand Naval Reserve * Promoting Comradeship * Preserving History

Phone: 021 486 013
Facebook: HMNZS Ngaponga Association

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HMNZS Ngapona  Association Inc

We are an Incorporated Society with the following objects:

a.  To foster and promote comradeship amongst former members of the RNZNVR and HMNZS Ngapona, in particular, those having an association with, or an interest in, the  RNZN and/or RNZNVR, and members of the Association.

b.  To encourage an interest in the history of HMNZS Ngapona and maintain a permanent record.

c.  To support HMNZS Ngapona if and when required.

d.  To liaise and co-operate with other Divisions of the RNZNVR and the RNZN.

e.  To encourage membership of the Association.

If you know any ex Ngapona people who are not members please encourage them to join. (Membership form attached.)



It is with pleasure that I present my seventh Annual Report for the HMNZS Ngapona Association.

Despite Covid 19, the Association has had an active year and we did not need to cancel any of our planned events as was the case in the previous twelve months. Covid has though restricted our ability to enter the DNB and this has impacted on progressing the history project and a ship visit.

Our Mid-winter Lunch at the Bays Club proved successful with a good turnout, and we also ‘Spliced the Mainbrace’ to celebrate the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee.

Attendance at our monthly lunches has declined and I believe that Covid has had an impact, the lunches offer the opportunity to gather on a regular basis and I encourage members and friends to attend.

Planning is now underway for HMNZS Ngapona’s centenary in 2024. This will be a major milestone in the history of Ngapona, and the Association looks forward to working closely with Ngapona to make this a memorable event.

The membership of the Association is not growing as fast as we had hoped and a notice of motion has been tabled at this AGM to change our constitution. This will allow past and serving members of the other Reserve Divisions to become full members of our Association. This is another small step in the vision of having a New Zealand Naval Reserve Association.If we are to survive as an active organisation we need a stream of new members to carry on the work that has been done. I would like to solicit ideas from the floor on ways to increase our membership during general business at this AGM.

While one of the objects of the Association is to liaise with other Reserve Divisions, Covid-19 has not assisted us, and I am disappointed to report that little progress has been made over the last year. I am hoping that if the motion is passed today this will assist in progressing this object.

Our primary means of communication continues to be our weekly newsletter and this is sent, not only to our members, but also to a large group of serving members of the NZDF and civilians. I know the editor would welcome any editorial items that you would like included in the newsletter.

I would like to acknowledge the passing of four of our members during the last year,

Graeme Whitmore, John Rust, Richard Worth and Cliff Hodgman.

I would like to say a big ‘thank you’ to the Committee for the work they have done during the last twelve months, I appreciate the time you have spent attending meetings and running the Association. Special thanks to Richard Maddix and Lisa Bisesheuvel who are not standing for re-election. And thank you also to you the members, for your attendance at Association functions during the year. 


Jerry Payne


HMNZS Ngapona Association Inc